Thursday, March 11, 2010

Management hero (Talent Management): Strategy

Management hero (Talent Management): Strategy

In Industry Generation. Any country to acquire "technology" that country would prosper prosperity. The general staff is not related to the development of proprietary technology. Would mean useless.

However, today. A world of information technology "to become less active. Because competitors can replicate in shortly in key technology industries such as televisions, cars generally have access to a mature age. The research to increase product quality. May be valuable in the eyes of consumers. Less than a luxury designed to match consumers' emotional.

    Therefore, the company's key assets. Are not subject to the few researchers who are committed to providing innovative technology, "but depending on the" hero (Talent) "that drives the company forward with rivals in every sector. In marketing. Consumer research. And strategic cost management, etc., which are changing. Difficult at any monopoly can be successful at it. Without great people waiting to continued innovation.

Talent Management is a new science. Has been developed for enterprises to determine the treatment and management sharp. To work together to create continuous innovation. To bring the company to success.

For Thailand,. TM has been bringing the concept applied to organizations. But there is not much success. Because the next frame in the industry think the strong contraction and every measure must be so difficult to apply to Talent, a product of the information age. Flexible and dynamic than has.

The more worrisome is the national Talent Management. Of course. Thailand still has a few of the companies to attract Foreign Talent. As IT company from America Seeks Talent to visit China in the earth, so the company must accept the fate of Thailand is to determine Talent from Thailand without options. Talent is regrettable, but in Thailand is very limited. Especially when the Thai education system that can undermine the very narrow lot.

If evaluated in the context of Thailand, the Talent Management from the University must continue. Because the time. "Human Resources" has the most freedom. Because of the high. Parents expect that there will be time devoted to children to overcome the evil in the field test Eontranss while and then upon graduation. The company also aims to provide students to work immediately. If one blank for the trial of life or personal business. May be evaluated in terms of labor market delete.

Moreover, in the context of Thailand. Popular not leave the University. So as to start a business in America. Not to mention that. Parents are values that will be sent to school children only, so students can try to do something different. To develop their skills in a Talent best without worrying about money or free time.

1. Inspiration.

Talent's problems in Thailand are wallowing in their area of expertise. The lack of an inkling that. Success in the information age. Differ from the global industry in the world that is loaded with "options" are both products and labor. Buyers will not find information to select investors. "Best people" but people will choose a good secondary talent in communication excellence. Because the company is great people want to communicate with good people in other departments. To collaborate on innovation, "Innovation" in overcoming the competition immediately.

University should be aware of the importance of. "Communication skills" courses available to students by the unit mission-related essay (Essay) and speaking with an excellent inspiration. (Inspiration) to people not in the disciplines. Recognize and realize the importance of subject content has.

This is the advantage of reducing costs in the cull of its hero. Not to be taken to hire good people to talk but light on its properties. Talent is only because you lack experience in communications.

    Talent like that trained excellent communication skills. There is a fascination with people and so many friends, but Talent is not wallowing in their narrow fields. But to integrate knowledge from other fields to enhance the ability of their unique way. Excellent and meet the needs of the market better with.

2. Network.

In Thailand, the shortage of funds and a variety of different businesses. Talent's own ability to be left to squeeze in a few narrow areas. Both the natural ability of the catalyst to different people working together to build. Make a beautiful world. Therefore not surprising that the Talent in Thailand are low proportion compared to the population because Talent in business without support. Must become marginalized because talent is forced to work in the field to make better money.

If, however, can be included during the Talent in different disciplines successfully. Especially knitting and weaving in trust, integrity and skill levels through the creation of the Network and then. Would be combined together to create new businesses that do not have the market with a lower risk than open its own. As an informal employment within the Network and also funding from the Network members, too.

Globalization in the information-rich communication tools and web interface bis Potter and would give Bush a Talent for communicating with people in various career fields. Especially senior management in companies. That may lead to have been selected to work in an excellent position.

University students could assist in creating the Network with friends and with other branches outsiders. The invitation business success. Successful in various careers. Public and personal reputation. To meet and talk with students throughout the year.

3. Love.

In this information age. A regular employee in career hit with the highest average income. May have less money than a regular career in Talent is so dedicated to sweat labor to the fields they love, and bold. Would be greater than what the patient is not bold because it thought the money was better.

However, parents, parents who are born in the era of technology-oriented industries than Talent would also be locked into the traditional framework thought forget that Trend has changed. Are still forced to attend the children of prominent regardless of the children Specialty.

University would have the support of this point. The rigorous standards of each board. Not let students pass through by 3-4 years than to recognize that students themselves are not bold or love in all the learning is. Free labor and time to many.

Important to allow "parents" have recognized the potential of children. And ready to open the way to choose what they want. Out to be a graduate with a Talent made huge money in their love.

Universities must create value for students and parents see that. "Failure" of life is natural. Retirement, especially being retried from the University slightly more compared to the life of harsh competition in the business world.

Posted via web from seeppz's posterous

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